Conversion Rate Optimization Practices for Advertisers

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Conversion Rate Optimization Practices for Advertisers

The process of improving a campaign performance is known as Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO. No matters how amazing ad campaigns perform,Guest Posting an advertiser will always look for the scope of improvement so they can drive more conversions. It is a consistent attempt of narrowing down various steps in the campaign to drive optimum results.

From the color of CTA to the text of your ad copy, there are different improvements that are possible in your campaign. However, you can’t make random changes for the sake of conversion rate optimization. In this blog, we are discussing the right approach to driving more conversions in a strategic manner.

1. Build Hypothesis

You might not always have readily available facts in advertising campaigns as there are many actions taken by users based on their impulse and intent, which can’t be predicted. However, you can build a hypothesis on what can incite those impulsive decisions from the customer. Therefore, building a hypothesis comes as the foremost step in conversion rate optimization.

The key to building a hypothesis is by putting yourself in the shoes of the customer and think what could be done to create more persuasive actions within the existing campaign. It is critical to understand that CRO is about minor changes in the existing campaign, and not about revamping the whole campaign.

2. CRO is a Continuous Process

CRO continues as long as your campaign is running. Unless you are getting 100% conversion, you can always look for ways to optimize your campaign for better CRO. In the rarest of circumstances, If you achieve a cent percent conversion rate, then you might like to expand your campaign to more audiences.

While planning the campaign, ensure that you are maintaining resources and time slots for optimization. Neglecting CRO during the campaign planning stage can curb the potential of the campaign in the later stages.

3. Maintain Legible Tracker

Maintaining track of the activities that you are performing for conversion rate optimization. Along with that, you need to list the results of those activities. It is helpful in ensuring that you are consistently learning and focussing on the improvement of the results. It will also mean that you are tracking the results, which will give a clear view of what’s working and what’s not. Keeping a legible record will help other parties in the campaign understand and learn from your experience.

4. Focus on the Bottom of the Funnel

The bottom of the funnel or the end goal of your business should always be the focus of your campaign. Even if you are running just a branding campaign or user acquisition campaign, keep a watch how it will contribute to your conversions and loyal customers. Since the core objective of the CRO is to pace up the conversions at every stage of the funnel, keeping the goal clear will help you plan every stage in the right direction.

5. Give CRO Some Time

There is a consistent need of judging how well your conversion rate optimization activities are performing. You need to define some timeframe over which you will analyze the results. However, don’t rush into it. It takes some time for a new activity to perform among the audiences. So, the analysis timeframe that you define should be sufficient enough to collect the sample size of a reliable amount. Never judge a campaign by insufficient sample size.

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